Apadāana numbers provided in {fancy brackets} correspond to the BJTS edition, which contains more individual poems than does the PTS edition dictating the main numbering of this translation.↩
nigrodhe, nigrodha = Sinh. nuga, RD: the banyan or Indian fig-tree, Ficus Indica; Bot. dict.: milky fig tree, Ficus altissima (Urti.) The banyan was the Bodhi tree only of Kassapa Buddha, the twenty-third Buddha of Buddhavaṃmsa and third of the five Buddhas of the present “auspicious” or “lucky” (bhadda) aeon (Gotama is the fourth, Maitreya will be the fifth); thus the text inadvertently indicates that this offering was made in the Kassapa Buddha-era.↩
I take haritobhāasa as haritāa + obhāasa, but it could also be harita + obhāasa = splendorous pale green, modifying the tree, which seems to be BJTS’ preferred reading (gloss: nil-pähä äti, “having blue color”). I also take the string of locatives as an absolute construction (“when…”) whereas BJTS treats them as straightforward locatives, with the protagonist taking a flower on the banyan tree. BJTS seems to misunderstand nigrodha, glossing it nāagabodhirukṣsayehi, “on the ironwood bodhi tree.” Ironwood was the Bodhi tree of four previous Buddhas (Maṅngala, Sumana, Revata and Sobhita) but all of them lived before the present aeon.↩
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