[125. Sammukhāathavika1]
When Vipassi [Buddha] was born,
I interpreted the omens:
“A Buddha is born in the world;
he’ll make people reach nirvana.” (1) [1806]
And when that one was being born,
the ten-thousand world-system quaked.
Now that Blessed One, the Teacher,
Eyeful One is preaching Dhamma. (2) [1807]
And when that one was being born,
there was a vast effulgence [there].
Now that Blessed One, the Teacher,
Eyeful One is preaching Dhamma. (3) [1808]
And when that one was being born,
[all] the rivers [then] stopped flowing.
Now that Blessed One, the Teacher,
Eyeful One is preaching Dhamma. (4) [1809]
And when that one was being born,
[all] the fires of hell stopped burning.
Now that Blessed One, the Teacher,
Eyeful One is preaching Dhamma. (5) [1810]
And when that one was being born,
[all] the flocks of birds stopped flying.
Now that Blessed One, the Teacher,
Eyeful One is preaching Dhamma. (6) [1811]
And when that one was being born,
[the powerful] winds stopped blowing.
Now that Blessed One, the Teacher,
Eyeful One is preaching Dhamma. (7) [1812]
And when that one was being born,
all the gemstones were glistening.
Now that Blessed One, the Teacher,
Eyeful One is preaching Dhamma. (8) [1813]
And when that one was being born,
[his first] seven steps were taken.
Now that Blessed One, the Teacher,
Eyeful One is preaching Dhamma. (9) [1814]
And when the Sambuddha was born,
he surveyed all the directions.
and [then he] spoke majestic words;
that is the nature of Buddhas.” (10) [1815]
After he made people feel moved,
[and] I had praised the World-Leader,
having worshipped the Sambuddha,
I departed facing the east. (11) [1816]
In the ninety-one aeons since
I praised the Buddha in that way,
I’ve come to know no bad rebirth:
that is the fruit of praising [him]. (12) [1817]
In the ninetieth aeon hence
[the king] Sammukhāathavika,2
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (13) [1818]
In the eighty-ninth aeon hence,
[the king] Paṭthavidundubhi3
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (14) [1819]
In the eighty-eighth aeon hence,
the king4 named Obhāasamata5
was a wheel-turner with great strength
possessor of the seven gems. (15) [1820]
In the eighty-seventh aeon,
[the king] Saritacchchedana6
was a wheel-turner with great strength
possessor of the seven gems. (16) [1821]
In the eighty-sixth aeon [hence,]
[the king] Agginibbāapana7
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (17) [1822]
In the eighty-fifth aeon [hence,]
[the king] Rāajāavāatasama8
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (18) [1823]
In the eighty-fourth aeon [hence,]
[the king] Gatipacchchedana9
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (19) [1824]
In the eighty-third aeon [hence,]
[the king] Ratanappajjala10
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (20) [1825]
In the eighty-second aeon,
[the king] Padavikkamaṇna11
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (21) [1826]
In the eighty-first aeon [hence,]
[the king] Rāajāavilokana12
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (22) [1827]
In the eightieth aeon [hence,]
the king13 known as Hirisāara14
was a wheel-turner with great strength,
possessor of the seven gems. (23) [1828]
The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
[I have] done what the Buddha taught! (24) [1829]
Thus indeed Venerable Sammukhāathavika Thera spoke these verses.
The legend of Sammukhāathavika Thera is finished.