[410. {413.}1 Tinasūulakachāadaniya2]

At that time I contemplated
birth and decrepitude [and] death.
Going out [from the home] alone,3
I went forth into homelessness. (1) [4346]

In the course of wandering, I
came to4 the banks of a river.5
There on the riverbank I saw
[a piece of] earth in all fullness.6 (2) [4347]

Fashioning a hermitage there,
I’m living in the hermitage.
My walkway is well-constructed,
housing7 flocks8 of various birds.9 (3) [4348]

Trustingly they come up to me,
and sing10 [their] lovely [songs to me].
Delighting11 [there] along with them,
I’m living in the hermitage. (4) [4349]

Near that hermitage of mine were
wild beasts of four [different] kinds,
who came out of their12 [forest] haunts
and roared [for me] like the thunder. (5) [4350]

When those wild beasts were making sounds,
[great] mirth was [then] produced in me.
[While] searching for [those] animals,13
I saw the Leader of the World. (6) [4351]

[Then] having seen the God of Gods,
Tissa, Chief Leader of the World,
happy, [and] with a happy heart,
I offered14 ironwood pollen.15 (7) [4352]

I praised the Leader of the World,
like the sun [when it] is rising,
like a regal sal tree in bloom,
shining forth like the morning star:16 (8) [4353]

“Omniscient One, with your knowledge,
you light up this [world] with [its] gods.
After having made you happy,
they’re liberated from rebirth. (9) [4354]

Omniscient One, through not seeing
the17 Buddhas who see everything,
those obstructed by lust [and] hate
descend18 into avīicchi hell.19 (10) [4355]

Coming to take a look at you,
Omniscient One, O World-Leader,
they are freed from all existence,
[and] realize20 the deathless state. (11) [4356]

When the Buddhas, the Eyeful Ones,
the Light-Bringers are arising,
they display the light [of the truth],
burning up [all the] defilements.” (12) [4357]

After praising the Sambuddha,
Tissa, Chief Leader of the World,
happy, [and] with a happy heart,
I offered21 Arab jasmine22 blooms. (13) [4358]

Discerning what I was thinking,
Tissa, Chief Leader of the World,
sitting down [there] on [his] own seat,
spoke these verses [about me then]: (14) [4359]

“He who covered me with flowers,
[feeling well-]pleased by his own hands,
I shall relate details of him;
[all of] you listen to my words: (15) [4360]

Twenty-five times he’s going to
exercise rule over the gods,
and seventy-five times he’ll be
a king who turns the wheel [of law]. (16) [4361]

[And there will be] much local rule,
innumerable by counting,
as a result of his karma
of doing pūujāa with23 flowers. (17) [4362]

When this person has bathed his head,
if24 he wishes for a flower,
[then] bound up with his good25 karma,
[it] will appear in front of [him]. (18) [4363]

Whatever’s wished for through desires,
that all is going to appear.
Having fulfilled [his] intentions,
he’ll reach nirvana, undefiled. (19) [4364]

The eighteenth recitation portion
Having burnt up the defilements,
attentive and intelligent,
sitting down on a single seat,
he will attain arahantship.” (20) [4365]

Walking back and forth, lying down,
sitting down or else standing up,
remembering the Best Buddha,
I am living all of the time.26 (21) [4366]

There’s no deficiency for me
in robes and food that I beg for,
in requisites [and] bed-and-seat:27
that’s the fruit of Buddha-pūujāa. (22) [4367]

Now deathlessness has been attained,
the unsurpassed [great] state of peace.
Knowing well all the defilements,
I am living without constraint.28 (23) [4368]

In the ninety-two aeons since
I did pūujāa to the Buddha,
I’ve come to know no bad rebirth:
that’s the fruit of Buddha-pūujāa. (24) [4369]

My defilements are [now] burnt up;
all [new] existence is destroyed.
Like elephants with broken chains,
I am living without constraint. (25) [4370]

Being in Best Buddha’s presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
[I have] done what the Buddha taught! (26) [4371]

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
[I have] done what the Buddha taught! (27) [4372]

Thus indeed Venerable Tinasūulakachāadaniya29 Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Tinasūulakachāadaniya30 Thera is finished.