Ekavihāariya Chapter, the Forty-Fourth

[428. {431.}1 Ekavihāariya2]

In this [present] lucky aeon
Brahmāa’s Kinsman, Greatly Famed One,
named Kassapa through [his] lineage,3
Best Debater, [Buddha] arose. (1) [4630]

Non-Delayed One,4 Unsupported,5
Whose Mind is as Level as Space,6
Very Empty,7 Neutral,8 Not Fond
of Appearances,9 the Master,10 (2) [4631]

Heart Unattached,11 Defilement-Free,12
Not Mixing in the clan [and] group,13
Greatly Compassionate, Hero,
Skilled in means of disciplining,14 (3) [4632]

Active in duties to others,15
Training [the whole world] with [its] gods,16
Drying Up the muddiness on
road that leads to nirvana —
undying, supreme enjoyment,17
obstacle to old age and death18
the One Who Helps the World Across19
was seated amidst a huge crowd. (4-5) [4633-4634]

Lord,20 with the Voice of a Cuckoo,21
the Sound of Brahmāa,22 Thus-Gone-One,23
Lifting [those on] very bad roads24
who are lost25 without a Leader,26 (6) [4635]

preaching the stainless Teaching [then,]
the World-Leader was seen by me.
Having listened to his Teaching,
I went forth into homelessness. (7) [4636]

Going forth, I was then thinking
of the Victor’s dispensation;
weighed down by associations,
I lived alone in lovely woods. (8) [4637]

Physical solitude became
the great condition27 [then] for me,
possessed of mental solitude,
looking at meetings fearfully.28 (9) [4638]

My defilements are [now] burnt up;
all [new] existence is destroyed.
Like elephants with broken chains,
I am living without constraint. (10) [4639]

Being in Best Buddha’s presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
[I have] done what the Buddha taught! (11) [4640]

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
[I have] done what the Buddha taught! (12) [4641]

Thus indeed Venerable Ekavihāariya Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Ekavihāariya Thera is finished.